Shipping Policy
1. Which countries do you ship to?
We are proud to offer international shipping services that currently operate in over 200 countries and islands worldwide. ( including United States, United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, New Zealand , Mexico, France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Belgium, Europe II (Ireland, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Luxembourg, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, Italy), three European regions (Portugal, Finland, Greece, Malta, Israel), the Netherlands, Slovakia, Poland, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, Japan ,South Korea, Russia, South Africa, United Arab Emirates, India, Saudi Arabia, Brazil, Ukraine, Belarus, Turkey, Cyprus, Qatar, Bahrain, Cyprus, Egypt, Iran, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Oman, Qatar)
2. How much does shipping cost?
We provide two different shipping methods which would be charged different.
For standard shipping:
Shipping fee: $8 (For weight from 0-0.40 kg);
Shipping fee: $10 (For weight from 0.41-0.50 kg);
Shipping fee: $12 (For weight from 0.51-0.60 kg);
Shipping fee: $15 (For weight from 0.61-0.80 kg);
Shipping fee: $18 (For weight from 0.81-1.00 kg);
Shipping fee: $25 (For weight from 1.01-1.50 kg);
Shipping fee: $30 (For weight from 1.51-2.00 kg);
Shipping fee: $40 (For weight over from 2.00 kg).
For expedited Shipping:
Shipping fee: $20 (For weight from 0.00-0.40 kg);
Shipping fee: $30 (For weight from 0.41-0.75 kg);
Shipping fee: $40 (For weight from 0.76-1.16 kg).
3. How long does delivery take?
The total delivery time = product preparing time + product shipping time
Usually the product preparing time would be 1-3 business days (Mon - Sat), the product shipping time would be 7-12 business days (Mon - Sat) for standard shipping, also 3-5 business days (Mon - Sat) for expedited shipping, so your total shipping time would be 8-15 business days (Mon - Sat) for standard shipping, 4-8 business days (Mon - Sat) for expedited shipping.
(Please attention, if you use a BOX address as shipping address, this would makes your shipping time much longer.)
4. The tracking states that my package has been delivered, but I have not received anything yet. What can I do?
We are sorry for the inconvenience caused to you. In this case we recommend you to contact your carrier first and find out what the status of your package is. It could be left with a neighbor or somewhere else.
Please contact with us under if the carrier customer service cannot help you and we will open a case as a missing package.
5. Why have I only received part of my order?
Some of the items could be sent separately and the second (sometimes more) tracking number(s) cannot be displayed on the order page. In this case, please wait for 2-3 business days and if the package still hasn't arrived after that, please contact us under
6. How can I track my order?
After an order is placed, we will send you an email with the shipping details. And also an email with a tracking number and link would be sent later, which will tell you when you can expect the delivery and also give you information on the status of the order. However, if you not receive the tracking email in one week, please kindly contact us by
7. Should I pay customs tax if my package is seized by customs??
No, you do not need to pay the customs tax.
8. What should I do if my order is delayed?
Please contact our customer service to make sure if your order/package is shipped.
- If your order/package is not shipped or lost during shipping, you can request to cancel the order or resend the package.
- If your order/package is shipping, and the tracking info is not update for a long time, you can request to cancel the order or resend the package.
- If your order/package is shipping, and the tracking info is updated recently, you may need wait a little more time for the arrival.
If you have more question about shipping, please contact us:
Address: 7101 S Adams St Ste 4 Willowbrook, IL, 60527-8432, United States
Phone: +1 2052181881
Contact Department: Customer Service Department